Crissys Digital

Activation Codes

Activation Codes are on website www.saga-cloud.ro Client Area Section!

User and Password you'll get from us!!

How can i set up email account on my Android?

To set up your email account on Android phones go to settings -> Accounts -> Add account -> select Email -> then enter your email address and password -> then select IMAP acoount type:

    Incoming Settings:
  • Username: your email address
  • Your Password provided by supplier
  • IMAP mail server: mail.yourdomain.tld
  • select security type: SSL or TLS (Accept all certificates)
  • set port 993 or 143
    Outgoing Settings:
  • SMTP Server: mail.yourdomain.tld
  • Security type: None
  • Port: 587 or 25
  • Username: your email address
  • Your Password provided by supplier

How can i set up email account on my iPhone?

To set up your email account on iPhone phones go to settings -> Accounts & Passwords -> Add account -> Other -> Add Email Account -> then enter your email address and password -> then select IMAP acoount type:

    Incoming Settings:
  • Host Name: mail.yourdomain.tld
  • Username: your email address
  • Your Password provided by supplier
  • select security type: SSL or TLS (Accept all certificates)
  • set port 993 or 143
    Outgoing Settings:
  • SMTP Primary Server: mail.yourdomain.tld
  • Security type: None
  • Port: 587 or 25
  • Username: your email address
  • Your Password provided by supplier